Hippotherapy Information:

Please note: if you are interested in participating in hippotherapy or are a current PT or OT participant and have questions/concerns about session scheduling, you must contact It's Ability PPT or Heather Ajzenman, OTD, OTR/L directly. 

Pediatric Physical Therapy, Inc.@It's Ability124 Hall Street, Suite HConcord, NH 03301603.224.4540pediatricptinc@itsabilitypt.com

Pediatric Physical Therapy, Inc.
@It's Ability
124 Hall Street, Suite H
Concord, NH 03301

Heather Ajzenman, OTD, OTR/LPO Box 10426Bedford, NH 03110978.228.1231heather@heatherajzenman.com

Heather Ajzenman, OTD, OTR/L
PO Box 10426
Bedford, NH 03110